Lease home (9670-586)

Slov'yansk city, Donetska oblast
Rybalko ulitsa, 127v str.
4 room, 1/1, 74 / 40 / 9 m2
1 500 грн. per month

26-01-2021-04912 Dobrotnyy gazifitsirovannyy dom. Planirovalsya vtoroy etazh, zalozheny plity perekrytiya, lestnichnyy marsh. Est garazh, letnyaya kuhnya, dvor zabetonirovan, posazheny plodovye derevya, vinograd, est teplitsa. kolodets. Vozmozhna arenda s posleduyuschim vykupom. Prosto Arenda ne rassmatrivaetsya.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Type of rent - monthly, total floor area - 74 sq.m., living floor area - 40 sq.m., kitchen - 9 sq.m., technical condition - western-style renovation. The cost is one thousand five hundredhryvnia. Location of object Rybalko ulitsa, 127v str., Slov'yansk city, Donetska oblast. This ad posted by realtor and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on rent homes added 1451 days ago.

Total views: 724

Aktsent-GRUPP  +38050******* show
Lease home - Рыбалко улица, 127в str., Slov'yansk city (9670-586) |

The photo homes 9670-586

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