For sale: 1-room apartment in the new building (9810-825)

1 room, 5/9, 33 / 16 / 7 m2
475 200 грн. per object / 14 400 грн. per m2

Prodam 1 komnatnuyu ZhK Gidropark v kirpichnom novostroe ot nadyozhnogo zastroyschika - Zhilstroy 1. Raspolozhena na pyatom etazhe devyati etazhnogo doma. Obschaya ploschad 33,3 m2, kuhnya 7, zhilaya 16 m2. V kvartire stroitelnoe sostoyanie. Ustanovleny metalo-plastikovye okna, metallicheskaya vhodnaya dver, radiatory otopleniya, vvod elektrichestva, vvod vody i kanalizatsii. Otlichnoe raspolozhenie doma, ryadom transport, kompleks Gidropark, shkola, detskiy sad. V 10 minutah na transporte metro Geroev Truda ili Kievskaya, supermarkety.

Dizayn interera i remont pod klyuch !!!

0509490542 - Aleksey

Bolshe predlozheniy na nashem sayte http://

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - pyatyy, type of the building - new building. Total floor area: 33 sq.m., living floor area: 16 sq.m., kitchen: 7 sq.m., rooms arrangement : separate. The cost is eighteen thousanddollars. Location of object ul. Shevchenko, kyivskyi, Harkiv city, Harkivska oblast. Property info was posted by realtor and imported into the portal. Personal ad on sell apartments added 1396 days ago. Please report that found the object on the real estate portal Dom2000 when calling the ad. Thank you in advance.

Total views: 41

Gornak Olga Leonidovna  38066******* show
For sale:  1-room apartment in the new building - ул. Шевченко, kyivskyi (9810-825) |

The photo apartments 9810-825

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