For sale: 1-room apartment in the new building (9818-402)

1 room, 49 m2 (total)
1 618 003 грн. per object / 33 020 грн. per m2

#127970;Znakomtes — K12 #128079;


#128077;Pervyy avtorskiy proekt klubnogo tipa ot kompanii DAYTONA GROUP.

#127968;Sovremennaya evropeyskaya arhitektura osnovana na printsipah ratsionalizma i praktichnosti vo vsem.V sochetanii s blagoustroennym pridomovym prostranstvom, formiruyut edinyy garmonichnyy ansambl.

#127961;K12 — eto super udobnaya lokatsiya i nalichie sobstvennoy infrastruktury

#128077;sovremennye inzhenernye resheniya i produmannye planirovki.

#128076;No est ryad preimuschestv, kotorye delayut ego unikalnym:

#9989; raspolozhenie — tsentr goroda, ryadom s parkom, vdol progulochnoy allei

#9989;dom klubnogo tipa — nizkaya plotnost zastroyki, ogranichennoe

kolichestvo kvartir

#9989;uluchshennye planirovki kvartir — shirina pomescheniy — 4 m, vysota potolkov — 3 m

#9989;kachestvennye stroitelnye i otdelochnye materialy

#9989;individualnoe otoplenie

#9989;chistaya voda v kranah.

#9757;V K12 predusmotreno tsentralizovannoe vodosnabzhenie s posleduyuschey 4-etapnoy sistemoy doochistki vody, postupayuschey vo vnutrenniy vodoprovod kompleksa

#9989;vvod v ekspluatatsiyu 4 kv.2021g


#9742;0978249528 Margarita

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 10-yy, type of the building - new building, total floor area - 49 sq.m. The cost is sixty-one thousand two hundred eighty-eightdollars. Location of object Kucherevskogo bul. d.1a, Tsentralnyi, Dnipropetrovsk city, Dnipropetrovska oblast. Ad Added by mediator and uploaded by automatically using the XML-import service. Personal ad on sell apartments published 1370 days ago. When communicating on this announcement, please specify that you found this ad on our site real estate Dom2000. Thank you in advance!

Total views: 43

Rafaelyan Margarita  38097******* show
For sale:  1-room apartment in the new building - Кучеревского бул. д.1а, Tsentralnyi (9818-402) |

The photo apartments 9818-402

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