For sale: 2-room apartment in the new building (9818-481)

Dnipropetrovsk city, Dnipropetrovska oblast
Naberezhnaya Pobedy d.40d
2 room, 15/24, 57 / 36 / 18 m2
1 488 960 грн. per object / 26 122 грн. per m2

Prodazha vidovoy 2- komnatnoy kvartiry 57m2 v novom ZhK Favorit na Naberezhnoy Pobedy, 40d.

Kompleks raspolozhen v prekrasnoy lokatsii goroda. Vashemu vnimaniyu otkryvaetsya vsya panorama Dnepra.

Glavnaya sostavlyayuschaya kompleksa: vysokiy uroven osnascheniya doma, ohranyaemaya zakrytaya territoriya. Sovremennyy skver s landshaftnym dizaynom, zony otdyha, detskie ploschadki. V komplekse vsyo neobhodimoe dlya komfortnoy zhizni: magaziny, apteki, salony, kafe, restorany i dr.

Kvartiry urovnya Biznes-klassa.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 15-yy, type of the building - new building, total floor area - 57 sq.m. Living floor area: 36 sq.m., kitchen: 18 sq.m. The cost is fifty-six thousand four hundreddollars. Information about the region of the property: Naberezhnaya Pobedy d.40d, Dnipropetrovsk city, Dnipropetrovska oblast. Property info was posted by mediator and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on sell apartments added 1370 days ago.

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For sale:  2-room apartment in the new building - Набережная Победы д.40д, Dnipropetrovsk city (9818-481) |

The photo apartments 9818-481

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