For sale: home (9830-426)

4 room, 110 / 59 / 13 m2, 2.7 hundreds sq. m.
2 244 000 грн.

Prodaetsya novyy dupleks v kottedzhnom gorodke Balaton, Novye Petrovtsy, 8 km ot Kieva po otlichnoy trasse, 15 minut do metro Geroev Dnepra ili Petrovka. Uchastok 2,7 sotki, ploschad doma 110 kv.m, na pervom etazhe prostornaya kuhnya-stolovaya-gostinaya, sanuzel i kotelnaya, na vtorom - tri spalni, osnovnoy sanuzel, garderobnaya. Dom sdelan polnostyu iz krasnogo kirpicha, uteplitel – 150 mm mineralnoy vaty, perekrytiya mezhdu etazhami – monolitnyy zhelezobeton. Podklyucheny vse kommunikatsii: svet 10 kVt, tsentralizovannaya kanalizatsiya, vodoprovod, gaz - cherez 3 mesyatsa posle vvoda v ekspluatatsiyu. Territoriya gorodka ograzhdena po perimetru, imeet horoshuyu ohranu, asfaltirovannye ulitsy, osveschenie, est chetyre ozera, konnosportivnaya shkola, detskaya ploschadka, ryadom les. Prodazha ot sobstvennika bez kakih-libo komissiy. Priezzhayte, smotrite, Vam ponravitsya!

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area: 110 sq.m., purpose of area: construction and maintenance of a living building, area square: 2.7, living floor area: 59 sq.m. Kitchen - 13 sq.m., ceiling type - reinforced-concrete, ceiling height - 3 m, wc - dva, electricity - present. Gas - present, water conduit - present, sewerage - central/managed, forest - 700 m. Distance from city: 8 km, location: guarded cottage village, name of cottage, garden or the nearest village: balaton. Road from highway - asfalt, road distance - 1500 m, wc location - indoor. Number of buildings: odin, smooth area, beautiful spot. Type of the building - dupleks, type of ownership - private (individual entity), legal documents - certificate of ownership. Parking prisutstvuet. Price information: eighty-five thousanddollars. The property is situated: KG Balaton 110, Novi Petrivtsi village, Vishgorodskiy rayon, Kiyivska oblast. This advertisement was published by mediator. Personal ad on sell homes published Today 2025-03-12. When you call for this object, please kindly inform that you found this property in the portal Dom2000. Thank you for your cooperation.

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Viktor  067 81***** show
For sale:  home - КГ Балатон, 110, Novi Petrivtsi village (9830-426) |

The photo homes 9830-426

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