For sale: 3-room apartment in the new building (9846-346)

3 room, 4/7, 105 / 0 / 16 m2
4 356 000 грн. per object / 41 486 грн. per m2

Prodam 3-komn ZhK”LOFT” na Ul.Shevchenko, 4y etazh 105 kv.m.

Polnotsennaya 3 komnatnaya kvartira s tremya spalnyami i bolshoy kuhney stolovoy.

Sostoyanie - pod chistovuyu otdelku.

Utepleny i obesshumleny dopolnitelno steny i potolok.

70% ploschadi - teplyy pol, vodyanoy ot kotla.

Okna dopolnitelno pereustanovleny i ustraneny maleyshie nedostatki.

Nachat remont «dlya sebya» soglasno dizayn proektu.

Sdelany vnutrennie peregorodki,vse steny,poly,potolki,elektrika,otoplenie.

Raboty vedutsya po proektu.

Za dopolnitelnuyu platu imeyutsya dva mesta pod navesom dlya 2h, a mozhet i 3h avto na zadnem dvore.

Stilnyy klubnyy dom semeynogo tipa po 4 kvartiry na etazhe.

Klubnyy dom Loft 4 na ul.Shevchenko - eto sovremennye tehnologii stroitelstva, luchshie stroitelnye materialy, individualnoe otoplenie, komfortnye planirovki, podzemnyy parking, kommercheskie pomescheniya i blagoustroennyy zakrytyy dvor.

V dome 7 etazhey, po 4e kvartiry na etazhe.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - chetvertyy, type of the building - new building, total floor area - 105 sq.m., kitchen - 16 sq.m. The cost is one hundred sixty-five thousanddollars. The property is situated: Shevchenko T. ul. d.25, Dnipropetrovsk city, Dnipropetrovska oblast. Property info was posted by mediator and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on sell apartments posted 1339 days ago. When contacting the number below, please report that found this ad on the real estate portal Dom2000

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For sale:  3-room apartment in the new building - Шевченко Т. ул. д.25, Dnipropetrovsk city (9846-346) |

The photo apartments 9846-346

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