For sale: 1-room apartment in the new building (9986-189)

Harkiv city, Harkivska oblast
Grigorovskoe shosse str.
1 room, 9/10, 49 m2 (total)
1 430 880 грн. per object / 29 202 грн. per m2

V prodazhe prostornaya 1 komn. kvartira 49 kv.m v novom ZhK Nemetskiy proekt na Holodnoy gore. Etazh 9-yy iz 10-ti. Stroitelnoe sostoyanie. Stilnyy i kachestvennyy dom biznes-klassa! Mozhno legko pereplanirovat v dvuhkomnatnuyu kvartiru!! Sdacha doma - konets 2021g. Tsena: 54200. Nomer ob yavleniya na sayte kompanii: SF-2-126-711-D2.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 9-yy, type of the building - new building. Total floor area - 49 sq.m. Price information: fifty-four thousand two hundreddollars. Location of object Grigorovskoe shosse str., Harkiv city, Harkivska oblast. This ad posted by mediator and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on sell apartments added 1248 days ago.

Total views: 45

For sale:  1-room apartment in the new building - Григоровское шоссе str., Harkiv city (9986-189) |

The photo apartments 9986-189

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