For sale: 3-room apartment (9990-860)

Mostitskiy, Podilskiy, Kyiv city
Danchenka Sergiya str., 32
3 room, 8/15, 86.1 / 49.7 / 12.6 m2
3 062 400 грн. per object / 35 561 грн. per m2

Dvostoronnya kvatira v zdanomu budinku z yakisnim remontom : stini ta stelyu virivnyano, pidloga - laminat, sanvuzol ta kuhnya - plitka, vstanovleno boyler, 2 veliki lodzhiyi, lichilniki tepla na kvartiru u kompleksi ye pidzemniy parking vsya infrastruktura - v pishiy dostupnosti Tihe zelene mistse. Poruch TRTs "Retrovil" - velichezniy rozvazhalniy tsentr, pologoviy budinok, polikliniki dityachi ta dorosli, tserkva, transportne spoluchennya v usi storoni Kiyeva. Skoro vidkrittya stantsiyi metro «Mostitska» Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: mon,Spetsproekt 2016-2020 rr

Kod ob'yektu: H-50032

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: 8-yy, type of the building: secondary market. Total floor area: 86.1 sq.m., living floor area: 49.7 sq.m., kitchen: 12.6 sq.m., rooms arrangement : separate. Type of the building: spetsproekt, wall material: monolithic-frame. Ceiling type - reinforced-concrete,. The cost is one hundred sixteen thousanddollars. Location of object Danchenka Sergiya str. 32, Mostitskiy, Podilskiy, Kyiv city. This advertisement was published by realtor and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on sell apartments registered in the database of the portal 24 days ago. When communicating on this announcement, please specify that you found this ad on our site real estate Dom2000. Thank you in advance!

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Real Estate Agency «Blagovest (Blagovist)», Kravets Olena Petrivna  +38 044 ********** show
For sale:  3-room apartment - Данченка Сергія str., 32, Mostitskiy (9990-860) |

The photo apartments 9990-860

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