For sale: home (9997-536)

4 room, 66.7 m2 (total), 7 hundreds sq. m.
250 800 грн.

Prodaetsya dom 4 komnaty , 7 sotok. Kuhnya , koridor , obschaya ploschad 66, 7 kv.m . Dom gazifitsirovan, vo dvore kolodets, hoz. postroyki, uchastok ne bolshoy-7 sotok . V tihom uyutnom meste ryadom ZhD ostanovka. V 15 minutah avtobusnaya ostanovka hodby .

Magaziny 5 minut hodby. Nomer ob yavleniya na sayte kompanii: SH-147-422-D2.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area: 66.7 sq.m., area square: 7.

Total views: 120

For sale:  home - Novopokrovka town (9997-536) |

The photo homes 9997-536

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