Sale apartments in Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city
Purchase apartment – is quite a complicated process, because there is no universal formula of choice « perfect apartment ». Each buyer has its own criteria, which are crucial to the final decision « buy houses or not ».If you want to buy an apartment in Goloseyevsky district of Kiev, use this section of our site.
To quickly find the most suitable option, decide to start, will buy housing from developers or « secondary housing ».With convenient search engine on our website, you can choose an apartment for a photo, price, district, area, number of rooms and so on. Advanced filter will help you narrow down your search.So, you can buy housing that will meet all your expectations.
Choosing a home
Finished apartment in the secondary market has several advantages.One of them is the fact that these apartments can usually be immediately populated, of course, if the housing is in a normal state. Even if it is not, to the residential status it can be reduced with the help of cosmetic repairs. And it does not cost too much.But such housing has disadvantages. First and foremost is the fact that this type of property is still not new: the old plumbing, electrical, often locked without major repairs, no concierge, and so on.
In new houses are beautiful and cozy porches, neighbors about one contingent, modern lifts and more. To all, you will live in the apartment, where no one had not lived.One of the disadvantages of new buildings is that before moving to do major repairs, which will be costly. The first time after checking the house it will be engaged in all the apartment owners, so the noise from the repairs will be regularly heard.This point is worth considering if you have a small child.
Which district
If you do not know what to look for when choosing a region, use our advice.Among the important criteria are very important: the proximity to the workplace, a good infrastructure, the availability of green areas for recreation, proximity to the motorway, but it is important and ecology.
No need to choose a property near the industrial enterprises, plants and a large number of motor vehicles. The proximity to the above objects is a dangerous moment, if not your life, it may pose a threat to your health.Prefer residential complexes near the public gardens and parks, by the way, that in the area Goloseyevsky enough.
To buy an apartment in Goloseyevsky district of Kiev became you in joy, and note the location of the nearest public transport as well as on his workload in the rush hour.
Proximity to your home high-voltage transmission lines — is also not what you need. These rays can cause a number of diseases, so from the property next door to such an object is also best avoided.If you have a car, when choosing an apartment is to take care and purchase of parking spaces or the presence of a parking lot near the house.
Good luck searching!
Found 2767 ads
Naddnepryanskoe shosse str., 2a
1 438 800 грн. per object / 31 278 грн. per m2
Vladimira Antonovicha ul., 136
3 616 800 грн. per object / 65 760 грн. per m2
Mihayla Maksimovicha vul., 24
3 036 000 грн. per object / 74 049 грн. per m2
Avtorskiy proekt, suchasniy dizayn, zahoplyuyuchiy vid, budinok "LINKOLN". Svitla, 2-kimnatna kvartira 41 kv.m, kuhnya-studio ta okrema spalnya, sumisniy sanvuzol. Stilni mebli pid zamovlennya, ...
Naddnipryanske shose, 2A
1 452 000 грн. per object / 33 767 грн. per m2
BEZ KOMISIYi % DLYa POKUPTsYa Proponuyetsya do prodazhu kvartira v ZhK Svitlo Park , 6 budinok- Zdaniy budinok. Kvartira maye zagalnu ploschu 43, 36 m2 i znahoditsya na komfortnomu 6 poversi. Produma...
Teremkovskaya, 4
1 584 000 грн. per object / 39 600 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 12756. V sdanom dome s dokumentami. Pervaya ochered. Predlagaetsya v prodazhu 1-komnatnaya kvartra po ulitse Teremkovskaya, v ZhK Respublika. Spalnya otdelno+ kuhnya studio s balkonom.Ok...

Golosiyivskiy prospekt str., 90
2 270 400 грн. per object / 42 044 грн. per m2
Lysogorskiy Spusk str.
1 398 539 грн. per object / 38 848 грн. per m2
1-komnatnaya kvartira Lysogorskiy spusk. Goloseevskiy rayon. Kupit kvartiru v Kieve ot Zastroyschika. Prodazha kvartir bez komissii v ZhK "Central Hills". Indeks nadezhnosti 215 iz 220 vozmozhnyh ball...

Maksimovicha str.
2 027 025 грн. per object / 51 975 грн. per m2
Prodaetsya 1-komnatnaya kvartira po ul. Maksimovicha. M. Vystavochnyy Tsentr. Kupit kvartiru v Kieve. Prodazha kvartir po ulitse Maksimovicha ZhK "Novaya Angliya". Dom "Kembridzh". Pervaya liniya. Kva...

Lysogorskiy Spusk str.
2 297 295 грн. per object / 57 432 грн. per m2
Prodaetsya 1-komnatnaya kvartira po Lysogorskomu Spusku. M. Demeevskaya. Kupit kvartiru v Kieve. Prodazha kvartir Lysogorskiy Spusk v ZhK "Oranzh Siti" Kuhnya gostinaya i otdelno spalnya s garderobnoy...

Kolomievskiy pereulok str.
8 108 100 грн. per object / 50 361 грн. per m2
Prodazha 3-komnatnaya kvartira per. Kolomievskiy. M. Vasilkovskaya. Kupit kvartiru v Kieve. Prodazha kvartiry v ZhK "Vasilkovskiy"., peresechenie ulits Vasilkovskty i pereulok Kolomievskiy. Kompleks ...

Metrologicheskaya str.
1 234 089 грн. per object / 38 565 грн. per m2
Prodaetsya 1-komnatnaya kvartira po ul. Metrologicheskaya. M. Teremki. Kupit kvartiru v Kieve ot Zastroyschika. Prodazha kvartiry ot Zastroyschika v novom komplekse ZhK "LIFE STORY". Bez komissii. Pry...

Metrologicheskaya str.
1 712 912 грн. per object / 36 445 грн. per m2
Prodaetsya 1-komnatnaya kvartira po ul. Metrologicheskaya. M. Teremki. Kupit kvartiru v Kieve ot Zastroyschika. Prodazha kvartiry ot Zastroyschika v novom komplekse ZhK "LIFE STORY". Bez komissii. Pry...

Metrologicheskaya str.
1 189 213 грн. per object / 37 163 грн. per m2
Prodaetsya 1-komnatnaya kvartira po ul. Metrologicheskaya. M. Teremki. Kupit kvartiru v Kieve ot Zastroyschika. Prodazha kvartiry ot Zastroyschika v novom komplekse ZhK "LIFE STORY". Bez komissii. Pry...

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Zabolotnogo Akademika str.
2 138 400 грн. per object / 46 487 грн. per m2
ZhK Metrorolis (2 dom, 1 sektsiya ) Kvartira posle stroiteley. Okna vo dvor - tiho. Metro Ippodrom - 10 minut peshkom. Tsena 81000 po kursu. Prodazha 1 komnatnoy kvartiry. Goloseevskiy rayon, Prospe...

Mihaila Lomonosova ul.
1 504 800 грн. per object / 31 881 грн. per m2
Mechtaete o novoy kvartire v novom dome? Vsegda v myslyah sovremennyy dizaynerskiy remont, no negde ego voplotit v zhizn? Otlichnoe predlozhenie 1 komnatnoy kvartiry imenno dlya Vas. ZhK "Amurskiy" -...

Goloseevskiy prosp (40-letiya Oktyabrya) str.
6 864 000 грн. per object / 40 857 грн. per m2
Prodazha 5 komnatnoy kvartiry, Goloseevskiy rayon, prosp. Goloseevskiy, 30-B. Bolshaya, svetlaya, prostornaya. V kvartire vypolnen kachestvennye remont. Bolshie panoramnye okna. Zakrytaya territ...

Maksimovicha Mihaila (Trutenko Onufriya) str.
2 587 200 грн. per object / 41 067 грн. per m2
Novyy dom, sdan. Ohranyaemaya territoriya. Kvartira s remontom ot zastroyschika - linolium, oboi, plitka na polu v sanuzlah. Metro Vasilkovskaya - 10 minut peshkom. Tsena 98000 po kursu. Goloseevsk...

Yasinovatskiy per
2 323 200 грн. per object / 54 028 грн. per m2
Kvartira v NOVOM zaselennom dome s remontom ryadom s metro. Goloseevskiy, Yasinovatskiy per 11. Kvartira s novym remontom, v sanuzle kafel, ustanovlen boyler, vstroennaya kuhnya s bytovoy tehniko...

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Prodazha 1 komnatnoy kvartiry s remontom i mebelyu, gotovoy dlya zhizni uzhe segodnya! Vidovoy 23 etazh. Otdelnaya spalnya, kuhnya s vyodom na balkon, prostornyy koridor. V kvartire vse ostaetsya. ...

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Demeevskaya str.
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Prodazha 2 komnatnoy kvartiry, Goloseevskiy rayon, ul. Demeevskaya, 51. Teplyy dom. Steny utepleny. V komnatah i v koridore parket v horoshem sostoyanii. Est dve lodzhii - zastekleny. Otlichnoe mes...