Sale uninhabited real estate in Kyiv city: visitors access closed premises, facade to the street, building type non-live premise in a house

Found 1 ads

For sale garage
Pecherskiy (tsentr), Pecherskiy, Kyiv city
Leyptsizka str., 13  
1 room, 13.4 m2, 1 hundred sq. m.
1 108 800 грн. per object / 82 746 грн. per m2

For sale garage - Лейпцизька str., 13, Pecherskiy (tsentr) (10602-171) |

Bez% prodam parkomistse vul. Leyptsizka 13, Pechersk, Tsarske selo, tsentr Kiyeva Kiyiv Pecherskiy rayon Leyptsizka 13 vulitsya Proponuyetsya parkomistse v pidzemnomu parkingu v ZhK po vulitsi Leyp...

Andrey  +38 095 ******* show
