Rent apartments in Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city: type of the building new building, type of rent monthly

Found 22 ads

Lease 3-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
3 room, 15/17, 110 m2 (total)
17 000 грн. per month per object / 155 грн. per m2


Poznyaki 3 k sdam v arendu ahmatovoy 31 110/59/12 15/17 et. svobodna. dlya poryadochnoy semi. schetchiki na teplo v kvartire i obschedomovoy; sch. na vodu i elektrichestvo. boyler meblirovana. 2 sanuz...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
Lease 2-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
2 room, 11/25, 74 m2 (total)
13 000 грн. per month per object / 176 грн. per m2

Lease 2-room apartment in the new building - Poznyaki (6688-044) |

Poznyaki 2 k sdam dolgosrochno kvartiru urlovskaya 36a otlichnaya 2k kvartira kak 3k tk iz holla sdelana gostevaya zona meblirovana holodilnik stiralka chaynik posudomoyka pervaya sdacha kiev kievskay...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
Lease 2-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
2 room, 10/23, 78 m2 (total)
12 000 грн. per month per object / 154 грн. per m2

Lease 2-room apartment in the new building - Poznyaki (6744-868) |

Poznyaki 2 k sdam 2-3h komnatnuyu na poznyakah 2-3-h komnatnaya kvartira na pchelki. dve spalni i kuhnya-studiya. ukomplektovana mebelyu i tehnikoy. v odnoy spalne vozmozhno dobavit krovat. ryadom sad...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
Lease 1-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
1 room, 10/25, 43 m2 (total)
12 000 грн. per month per object / 279 грн. per m2

Lease 1-room apartment in the new building - Poznyaki (6759-284) |

Poznyaki 1 k sdam 1k kvartiru prosp.bazhana 8b sdam 1k kvartiru prosp.bazhana 8b. ochen uyutnaya kvartira s udobnoy planirovkoy. otdelnaya kladovka konditsioner televizor plita vytyazhka stiralnaya ma...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
Lease 1-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
1 room, 2/4, 45 m2 (total)
10 500 грн. per month per object / 233 грн. per m2

Lease 1-room apartment in the new building - Poznyaki (6779-318) |

Poznyaki 1 k sdam svoyu 1-komnatnuyu metro poznyaki sdam odnokomnatnuyu prostornuyu kvartiru po pr.grigorenka 5 m.poznyaki. kvartira meblirovana est vsya neobhodimaya bytovaya tehnika. k metro 15-20 m...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
Lease 3-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
3 room, 9/11, 103 m2 (total)
14 000 грн. per month per object / 136 грн. per m2

Lease 3-room apartment in the new building - Poznyaki (6780-040) |

Poznyaki 3 k kvartira v dolgosrochnuyu arendu vozle m. harkovskaya sdam v arendu na dlitelnyy srok 3-h komnatnuyu kvartiru na 9 etazhe v kirpichnom 11 etazhnom dome. v ochen horoshem sostoyanii. adres...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
Lease 3-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
3 room, 10/25, 97 m2 (total)
15 000 грн. per month per object / 155 грн. per m2

Lease 3-room apartment in the new building - Poznyaki (6782-391) |

Poznyaki 3 k dolgosrochnaya arenda kvartir. remont 2013 goda. ochen uhozhennaya i teplaya. sdelan dopolnitelno tambur na 2 kvartiry. Nomer ob yavleniya na sayte kompanii: RF-800-069-D2.

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
Lease 2-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
2 room, 9/25, 54 m2 (total)
11 500 грн. per month per object / 213 грн. per m2

Lease 2-room apartment in the new building - Poznyaki (6811-763) |

Poznyaki 2 k dolgosrochnaya arenda 1k kvartiry ul. pchelki 1 komnatnaya zonirovannaya kvartira m. poznyaki ul. pchelki 6a 9/25 etazhnogo doma - novostroy. kvartira vypolnena v skandinavskom stile. plo...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
Lease 4-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
4 room, 3/10, 82 m2 (total)
15 000 грн. per month per object / 183 грн. per m2

Lease 4-room apartment in the new building - Poznyaki (6811-762) |

Poznyaki 4 k ot sobstvennika dolgosrochnaya arenda kvartira sdaetsya prostornaya chistaya 4-h komnatnaya kvartira s horoshim remontom. kvartira mozhet meblirovatsya po neobhodimosti arendatora (mebel ...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
Lease 2-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Ahmatovoy Anny ul., 13 "E"  
2 room, 17/28, 78 m2 (total)
16 000 грн. per month per object / 205 грн. per m2

Lease 2-room apartment in the new building - Ахматовой Анны ул., 13 "Е", Poznyaki (6817-814) |

Sdam 2k kvartiru s novostroe. Kvartira udobnaya, svetlaya, mnogo produmannyh melochey, delalas dlya sebya, remontirovali dazhe pod ezd. Ergonomichnaya kuhnya-gostinnaya 15m s udobnym gostevym diva...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Alina  +380 (63) ******* show
Lease 2-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Ahmatovoy Anny ul., 16 "G"  
2 room, 10/16, 55 m2 (total)
15 000 грн. per month per object / 273 грн. per m2

Lease 2-room apartment in the new building - Ахматовой Анны ул., 16 "Г", Poznyaki (6822-071) |

Sdam komfortnuyu svetluyu i chistuyu 2k kvartira na Poznyakah. Polnostyu ukomplektovannaya vsey neobhoimoy mebelyu i bytovoy tehnikoy. Konditsioner Mitsubishi, dvuhspalnaya krovat s ortopedicheskim m...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Alina  +380 (63) ******* show
Lease 2-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Dragomanova ul., 2 "A"  
2 room, 24/25, 53 m2 (total)
12 500 грн. per month per object / 236 грн. per m2

Lease 2-room apartment in the new building - Драгоманова ул., 2 "А", Poznyaki (6822-067) |

V dolgosrochnuyu arendu sdaetsya uyutnaya dvuhkomnatnaya kvartira premium-klassa s dizaynerskim evroremontom. Panoramnye okna s vidom na nebo i ozero. Kvartira s domofonom, mebelyu, predmetami inte...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Alina  +380 (63) ******* show
Lease 2-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Gmyri Borisa ul., 14 "B"  
2 room, 5/25, 61 m2 (total)
12 000 грн. per month per object / 197 грн. per m2

Lease 2-room apartment in the new building - Гмыри Бориса ул., 14 "Б", Poznyaki (6826-675) |

Sdam novuyu 2h komnatnuyu kvartiru na Poznyakah. Novaya mebel, vsya bytovaya tehnika, boyler na 80 litrov , termoregulyatory na batareyah, zasteklennaya lodzhiya. V peshey dostupnosti detskie plosc...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Alina  +380 (63) ******* show
Lease 2-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Dragomanova ul., 2  
2 room, 17/21, 77 m2 (total)
13 000 грн. per month per object / 169 грн. per m2

Lease 2-room apartment in the new building - Драгоманова ул., 2, Poznyaki (6874-121) |

Sdam uyutnuyu dvuhkomnatnuyu kvartiru v novom dome. V kvartire est vsya neobhodimaya mebel i bytovaya tehnika dlya komfortnogo prozhivaniya. Tyoplyy pol v vannoy, 2 konditsionera. Horosho razvita in...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Alina  +380 (63) ******* show
Lease 3-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Bazhana Nikolaya pr-t str.  
3 room, 7/15, 100 m2 (total)
15 000 грн. per month per object / 150 грн. per m2

Lease 3-room apartment in the new building - Бажана Николая пр-т str., Poznyaki (6779-307) |

Sdaetsya 3-h komnatnaya, vozle metro Poznyaki. Kvartira uyutnaya, okna na dve storony doma. Dop. voprosy po telefonu + 38 066 128 05 22 Dmitriy Nomer ob yavleniya na sayte kompanii: RF-798-536-D2.

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Otdel Arendy zhiloy nedvizhimosti  +380 (95) ********** show
Lease 1-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
1 room, 6/25, 44 m2 (total)
10 000 грн. per month per object / 227 грн. per m2

Lease 1-room apartment in the new building - Poznyaki (6571-054) |

Poznyaki 1 k arenda shikarnoy kvartiry poznyakah po ul.pchelki 1-komnatnaya kvartira evroremont-est vstroennaya kuhnya krovat s ortopedicheskim matratsem konditsioner boyler varochnaya poverhno...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
Lease 1-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
1 room, 14/25, 60 m2 (total)
12 500 грн. per month per object / 208 грн. per m2

Lease 1-room apartment in the new building - Poznyaki (6642-966) |

Nomer ob yavleniya na sayte kompanii: RF-778-589-D2.

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
Lease 2-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
2 room, 20/25, 52 m2 (total)
12 000 грн. per month per object / 231 грн. per m2

Lease 2-room apartment in the new building - Poznyaki (6647-939) |

Poznyaki 2 k pervaya sdacha 2k studiya dragomanova 2 52m. kv. pervaya sdacha. dragomanova 2. kvartira 52 kv.m. s panoramnymi oknami sdelan kachestvennyy remont v dome 4 lifta ohrana. ryadom...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
Lease 2-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
2 room, 16/22, 69 m2 (total)
11 000 грн. per month per object / 159 грн. per m2

Lease 2-room apartment in the new building - Poznyaki (6652-638) |

Poznyaki 2 k pchelki 8 prozhivanie s detmi i zhivotnymi privetstvuetcya sdaetsya 2-h kom. razdelnaya kvartira na pchelki 8 bez mebeli evroremont. novyy dom. 16 etazh 22-h etazhnogo doma. v kvartire: 2...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
Lease 3-room apartment in the new building
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
3 room, 25/25, 91 m2 (total)
13 500 грн. per month per object / 148 грн. per m2

Lease 3-room apartment in the new building - Poznyaki (6682-779) |

Poznyaki 3 k z-komnatnaya na urlovskoy poznyaki urlovskaya 36. dve dvuhspalnye krovati raskladnoy divan tri shkafa-kupe. est boyler filtr vody dva sanuzla est vanna dushevoy boks s gidromassazhem bide...

Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Inessa Valentinovna  +380 (97) ******* show
