For sale: 1-room apartment (10565-898)

Golosiyivo, Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city
Getmanska (Maykopska) str., 1a
1 room, 2/5, 38 / 16.3 / 13.2 m2
1 821 600 грн. per object / 47 942 грн. per m2

Pisha dostupnist metro Golosiyivska ta Demiyivska. U kvartiri yakisni vbudovani mebli. V spalni individualna shafa-kupe s yaschikami na dovodtsi ta pantografom dlya zruchnogo dostavannya rechey z drugogo yarusu, rozsuvni dzerkalni dveri z yakisnim napilennyam. V kuhni vsi mebli z dovodnikami na dvertsyatah ta shuhlyadah, kutova vbudovana stoleshnya, ta velike zagartovane sklo na robochomu fartuhu. Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: tseg,Spetsproekt 2011-2015 rr

Kod ob'yektu: G-820895

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - vtoroy, type of the building - secondary market, total floor area - 38 sq.m. Living floor area - 16.3 sq.m., kitchen - 13.2 sq.m., type of the building - spetsproekt. Wall material: brick, ceiling type: reinforced-concrete. The cost is sixty-nine thousanddollars. The property is situated: Getmanska (Maykopska) str. 1a, Golosiyivo, Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city. Information on this project has been posted by realtor and imported into the portal. Personal ad on sell apartments posted Today 2024-06-08. If you plan to use this announcement, please report what you've found this ad at the website Dom2000. Thank you.

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Real Estate Agency «Park Lane (Park Leyn)», Kolb Vasil Oleksandrovich  +38 044 ********** show
For sale:  1-room apartment - Гетьманська (Майкопська) str., 1а, Golosiyivo (10565-898) |

The photo apartments 10565-898

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