For sale: home (10611-069)

138 m2 (total), 9.5 hundreds sq. m.
3 687 565 грн.

dom v sovremennom stile 137m2 na uchastke 9,5sot v ekologicheski chistom rayone Podmoskovya ( 33km ot MKAD)

V dome bolshaya svetlaya gostinaya 45m2 s panoramnymi oknami i vyhodom na terrasu. Tri spalni, s/u, kotelnaya i prihozhaya.

V dome vypolnena predchistovaya otdelka, razvedeno elektrichestvo, santehnika. Natyanuty potolki. Vodoprovod i kanalizatsiya tsentralnye, gaz po granitse uchastka.

Dom postroen po karkasnoy tehnologii.

Fundament zh/b svai.

Operativnyy pokaz, bystryy vyhod na sdelku. Agentstvo nedvizhimosti MaxRealty., Nomer lota: 3637413

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area: 138 sq.m., purpose of area: gardening, area square: 9.5. Price information: nine millionrubles. Information about the region of the property: 93 str., Russia. This ad posted by broker and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on sell homes posted 85 days ago.

Elena L.  +79297********** show
For sale:  home - 93 str., Russia (10611-069) |

The photo homes 10611-069

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