For sale: home (10628-042)

107 m2 (total), 6.39 hundreds sq. m.
3 833 428 грн.

Novyy dom s remontom, gotov dlya prozhivaniya, vse kommunikatsii podvedeny (elektrichestvo, voda, kanalizatsiya). Zakrytyy v ezd cherez shlagbaum, poselok ogorozhen zaborom, pered vhodom gostevaya parkovka i zona dlya sbora musora, osveschenie dorog i mest obschego polzovaniya, chistka dorog, videonablyudenie, detskaya i sportivnaya ploschadki, zona otdyha. Prekrasnoe mesto dlya otdyha i prozhivaniya, lesa, chistaya priroda. Razvitaya infrastruktura v dvuh minutah ezdy, ostanovka obschestvennogo transporta v peshey dostupnosti. Operativnyy pokaz, bystryy vyhod na sdelku. Agentstvo nedvizhimosti MaxRealty, Nomer lota: 3481675

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area: 107 sq.m., purpose of area: gardening, area square: 6.39. The cost is nine million three hundred fifty-six thousandrubles. Information about the region of the property: str., Russia. This advertisement was published by broker and imported into the portal. Personal ad on sell homes added 85 days ago. Please report what you've found this ad at the real estate portal Dom2000. Thank you in advance.

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Nataliya B.  +79167********** show
For sale:  home - Russia (10628-042) |

The photo homes 10628-042

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