For sale: home (10636-251)
Krasnodarskaya ulitsa str.
3 646 592 грн.
Nomer lota: 3618912, Prodaetsya dom s horoshim remontom,
4 svetlye komnaty san.uzel,
kuhnya i Vse kommunikatsii v dome.
More v shagovoy dostupnosti.
Bolshoy uchastok 5 sotok pozvolyaet postroit gostinitsu, esli planiruete poluchat dop dohod.
Takoe predlozhenie nado smotret iznutri, a ne na foto. pishite, zvonite. Realnomu pokupatelyu gotov nemnogo ustupit
Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area - 90 sq.m., area square - pyat. Ceiling height: 2.5 m. Price information: eight million nine hundred thousandrubles. The property is situated: Krasnodarskaya ulitsa str., Eysk city, r-n. Eyskiy, kray. Krasnodarskiy, Russia. This ad posted by realtor and imported into the portal. Personal ad on sell homes registered in the database of the portal 260 days ago. When you call for this announcement, please indicate that you have read an ad on the site Dom2000. Thank in advance!
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Home, cottage complexes and townhouses