For sale: home (10636-245)

61.6 m2 (total), 3.13 hundreds sq. m.
3 277 835 грн.

Nomer lota: 3608550, Prodaetsya otdelnyy dom v rayone Kamenki.

Uchastok 3 sotki. Est mesto dlya Vashego avto. Vinogradnik, besedka, mangalnaya zona.

Dom kirpichnyy, vse kommunikatsii tsentralnye. Vo dvore est zhilaya vremyanka i mesto dlya stroitelstva. V dome 3 komnaty, prostornaya kuhnya, sanuzel razdelnyy.

Est vozmozhnost zanimatsya kommertsiey vo vremya sezona, trafik lyudey ochen bolshoy. Ryadom more, akvapark, delfinariy.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area: 61.6 sq.m., area square: 3.13, ceiling height: 2.7 m. The cost is eight millionrubles. The property is situated: ulitsa Shevchenko, Eysk city, r-n. Eyskiy, kray. Krasnodarskiy, Russia. Ad Added by broker and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on sell homes published 260 days ago. Please mention Dom2000 site while referring to this ad. Thanks!

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Lukash Daniil  +79392****** show
For sale:  home - улица Шевченко, Eysk city (10636-245) |

The photo homes 10636-245

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