For sale: home (10636-425)

150 m2 (total), 3 hundreds sq. m.
2 991 025 грн.

Nomer lota: 3599062, Prodam otdelnyy 3h etazhnyy dom v tsentre 150m2 i chast doma dlya otdyhayuschih. 

V dome 4 otdelnyh komnaty, chto otlichno podoydet dlya bolshoy semi s raznopolymi detmi ili domashnimi pitomtsami.

Blagodarya chasti doma pod sdachu — Vy mozhete poluchat dopolnitelnyy dohod kruglyy god. Etomu tak zhe sposobstvuet raspolozhenie doma — tsentr, gde neobhodimaya infrastruktura nahoditsya v shagovoy dostupnosti.

Adekvatnaya tsena — vsego 50 tr za kvardratnyy metr — vyigryshno smotritsya na fone poroy zavshennyh po stoimosti predlozheniy v etom segmente. 

Podumayte o vozmozhnosti stat obladatelem svoego zhilya seychas, poka tsena ne podnyalas!

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area - 150 sq.m., area square - tri, ceiling height - 2.7 m. The cost is seven million three hundred thousandrubles. The property is situated: Berdyanskaya ulitsa str., Eysk city, r-n. Eyskiy, kray. Krasnodarskiy, Russia. This ad posted by realtor and imported into the portal. Personal ad on sell homes published 259 days ago. When you call for this object, please kindly inform that you found this property in the portal Dom2000. Thank you for your cooperation.

Total views: 6

Pavlishin Oleg  +79392****** show
For sale:  home - Бердянская улица str., Eysk city (10636-425) |

The photo homes 10636-425

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