For sale: 3-room apartment (10672-332)

Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city
Zdanovskoyi Yuliyi (Lomonosova) str., 60/5
3 room, 4/17, 122 / 85 / 15 m2
4 884 000 грн. per object / 40 022 грн. per m2

Proponuyetsya 4-kimnatna kvartira z dorogim i yakisnim remontom. Dvi spalni, kabinet, velikiy zal z velikim divanom, prostora kuhnya. Dva sanvuzli. Horosha infrastruktura rayonu: u pishiy dostupnosti sadki ta shkoli, magazini, kafe, sportzali. Chudova progulyanka z ozerom. Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: tseg,Spetsproekt 2006-2010 rr

Kod ob'yektu: R-56482

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - chetvertyy, type of the building - secondary market. Total floor area: 122 sq.m., living floor area: 85 sq.m. Kitchen - 15 sq.m., rooms arrangement - adjoining-separate, type of the building - spetsproekt, wall material - brick. Ceiling type: reinforced-concrete,. Price information: one hundred eighty-five thousanddollars. The property is situated: Zdanovskoyi Yuliyi (Lomonosova) str. 60/5, Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city. This advertisement was published by realtor and imported into the portal. Personal ad on sell apartments posted Today 2024-09-19. If you plan to use this announcement, please report what you've found this ad at the website Dom2000. Thank you.

Real Estate Agency «Park Lane (Park Leyn)», Popova Irina Yuriyivna  +38 044 ********** show
For sale:  3-room apartment - Здановської Юлії (Ломоносова) str., 60/5, Golosiyivskiy (10672-332) |

The photo apartments 10672-332

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